In today’s digital age, applying for a job has become more complex than ever before. Many law firms are now using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to streamline their recruitment process. For legal professionals, it is crucial to understand how these systems work and how to optimise your legal CV to get noticed by potential employers. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of ATS and share some valuable tips to help you navigate them successfully.

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS):

ATS are software applications used by law firms to manage and automate the recruitment process. These systems are designed to handle the large volume of legal CVs received for each job opening, making the hiring process more efficient. ATS scan legal CVs for specific keywords and criteria to create a shortlist of candidates for further consideration. Therefore, it is essential to tailor your legal CV to align with the requirements set by the ATS.

Tips to Get Your Legal CV Past ATS:

1. Use relevant keywords: ATS look for specific keywords and phrases that match the job description. It is crucial to include relevant legal terms, skills, and job-specific terminology throughout your legal CV. Conduct thorough research on the job position and industry to identify the keywords that are commonly used.

2. Customise your CV for each application: One size does not fit all when it comes to ATS. Customise your CV to match the requirements of each job application. Study the job description carefully and incorporate the keywords and skills mentioned.

3. Organise your legal CV strategically: Make sure your legal CV is well-structured and easy for ATS to navigate. Use clear headings, bullet points, and subheadings to highlight your experience, qualifications, and skills. Avoid using complex formatting, as it may confuse the ATS and lead to your legal CV being overlooked.

4. Avoid using tables and graphics: While a visually appealing legal CV can make a strong impression on human recruiters, it may not be ATS-friendly. ATS often struggle to read tables, graphics, and images. Stick to a simple and clean format to ensure your legal CV is easily readable by the system.

5. Proofread your legal CV: Spelling and grammar mistakes can harm your chances of passing the ATS scan. Proofread your CV thoroughly to ensure it is error-free. You can also use online tools or ask a trusted friend to review your CV before submitting it.

6. Network and seek referrals: While ATS play a significant role in the recruitment process, networking and referrals are still valuable. Reach out to legal professionals, attend industry events, and leverage online platforms to establish connections. A referral from someone within the organisation can help bypass the ATS screening process.


Applicant Tracking Systems have become an integral part of the job application process, including the legal industry. To increase your chances of getting your legal CV noticed, it is essential to optimise it for ATS.

By using relevant keywords, customising your legal CV, and organising it strategically, you can increase your chances of making it through the initial screening process. Remember, while ATS are important, networking and referrals can also play a vital role in securing a legal job opportunity.

Need an ATS complaint Legal CV? Please do get in touch with me.