Legal Interview Coaching by Lawyers

“As a direct result of the hard work and coaching by Suzanne, I was able to perform very well at interview, securing my first paralegal role and training contract with a top 50 firm in my first application cycle”

Legal CVs are proud to offer personalised legal interview coaching sessions by Suzanne Natalie Jeffers, a non-practicing solicitor who has successfully navigated the process herself.

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Suzanne’s legal interview coaching is tailored to meet your specific needs and designed to help you feel confident, relaxed and well-prepared for your interview. Her one-on-one coaching sessions are conducted over the phone or through video conferencing, depending on your preference. Suzanne will work with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to help you succeed in your interview. You’ll receive constructive feedback on communication skills, body language, and overall presentation, with the aim of providing you with the skills and confidence you need to perform at your best.

Legal interview coaching sessions start at £95 for the first hour, then £70 for each hour after. Some people may find one hour is sufficient, but others may like more practice including mock interviews.

If you would like to schedule legal interview coaching session(s) with Suzanne, please email us at or