In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to make your legal CV stand out from the rest. For legal professionals, this is especially important as law firms receive numerous applications for limited positions. Whether you’re a recent law graduate or an experienced lawyer looking to make a career move, crafting an exceptional legal CV can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. In this blog post, we’ll explore some valuable tips to help you make your legal CV stand out and land that dream job.

It goes without saying that when applying for legal positions, it’s essential to customise your legal CV to highlight relevant skills and experiences specific to the field. Showcase your legal education, internships, and any specialised training you have undergone. Emphasise your expertise in specific areas of law, such as corporate law, intellectual property, or litigation.

1. Highlight key achievements and responsibilities:

To make your legal CV stand out, it’s crucial to highlight your key achievements and responsibilities in your previous roles. Provide specific examples of successful cases you have worked on, highlighting your contributions and outcomes. Mention any noteworthy accolades or awards you have received for your work. This will help potential employers understand your expertise and the value you can bring to their organisation.

2. Showcase your soft skills:

While technical legal skills are essential, employers also value strong interpersonal and communication skills. Include examples of how you have effectively communicated complex legal concepts to clients or collaborated with colleagues. Highlight any leadership roles or teamwork experiences you have had. Demonstrating your ability to work well with others and effectively communicate will set you apart from other candidates.

3. Demonstrate your commitment to professional development:

The legal industry is continuously evolving, and employers appreciate candidates who show a commitment to staying updated with new developments. Include any relevant professional development courses, seminars, or conferences you have attended. Mention any publications or legal research you have conducted. This will demonstrate your enthusiasm for continuous learning and growth within the legal profession.

4. Pay attention to formatting and design:

A well-structured and visually appealing CV can make a significant impact on potential employers. Use clear headings and bullet points to organise your information. Ensure your CV is easy to read and scan through. Pay attention to the font size and type, ensuring they are professional and legible. Use white space effectively to make your CV visually appealing. Incorporating your personal brand through a professional and consistent design can leave a lasting impression.


In a competitive job market, making your legal CV stand out is essential to secure the job of your dreams. By tailoring your CV to the legal industry, highlighting key achievements and responsibilities, showcasing soft skills, demonstrating a commitment to professional development, and paying attention to formatting and design, you can significantly increase your chances of standing out to potential employers. Remember, your CV is an opportunity to showcase your unique skills and experiences, so make sure to take advantage of it.

Good luck!